Language Translation Services Charlotte NC
In 1997, when Language Innovations began serving the translation and interpreting needs of the international community, the company offered services in 40 core languages. Today, Language Innovations offers services in more than 175 languages as part of our dedicated mission to more broadly serve the language needs of businesses and individuals worldwide. We provide language translation services for clients in the Charlotte NC area and other companies around the world.
We are continually expanding into areas and parts of the world previously unserved, so if you do not see your language listed below, please contact us!
Afrikaans | Akan (Twi) | Albanian |
Amharic | Arabic | Armenian |
Azerbaijani | Balochi | Basque |
Bengali | Bosnian | Bulgarian |
Burmese | Byelorussian (Belarusian) | Carolinian |
Catalan | Cebuano | Chamorro |
Chinese | Chuukese | Croatian |
Czech | Danish | Dari |
Dinka | Dutch | Dzongkha |
Estonian | Ewe | Farsi (Persian) |
Finnish | Flemish | French |
Fulani (Fula) | Georgian | German |
Greek | Guarani | Gujarati |
Haitian-Creole | Hakha Chin | Hausa |
Hebrew | Hindi | Hmong |
Hungarian | Icelandic | Igbo |
Ilocano | Indonesian | Irish (Gaelic) |
Italian | Japanese | Kannada |
Karen | Kazakh | Khmer (Cambodian) |
Kirghiz (Kyrgyz) | Korean | Kurdish |
Lao | Latin | Latvian |
Lithuanian | Luxembourgish | Macedonian |
Malayalam | Malagasy | Malaysian |
Maltese | Marathi | Marshallese |
Mongolian | Navajo | Ndebele |
Nepali | Norwegian | Oromo |
Palauan | Pashtu (Pashto) | Persian |
Polish | Portuguese | Punjabi |
Quechua (Quechuan) | Romanian | Russian |
Samoan | Sanskrit | Serbian |
Sindhi | Sinhala | Slovak |
Slovene | Somali | Spanish |
Swahili | Swedish | Tagalog |
Tamil | Telugu | Thai |
Tibetan | Tigrinya | Tongan |
Turkish | Turkmen | Ukrainian |
Urdu | Uyghur | Uzbek |
Vietnamese | Wolof | Xhosa |
Yiddish | Yoruba | Zulu |